In three easy clicks our NEW eValuator home valuation tool – customized for theBarclay Downs neighborhood – will give you an accurate estimate of yourBarclay Downs home value…and your neighbors!

Of course should you decide to sell your home it is our pleasure to answer questions, listen & learn whats special about your home and help fine tune the pricing. On the home marketing side we’ve got some cutting edge ideas to market your homeThe HomeStory and NEW to Charlotte our ground breaking Home & Lifestyle Movie Trailer << click to watch a short sample movie!

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ABOUTBarclay Downs (Charlotte MLS Area 5)
Whether you’re relocating to Charlotte or you’ve lived here all your life – Barclay Downs is hands down one of our favorite South Charlotte neighborhoods! A classic family friendly neighborhood with a mix of architectural styles, distinctive full brick traditional, transitional ranches and craftsman style remodels. Barclay Downs offers great value in the fast-growing convenient Southpark location close to SouthPark and Ballantyne business, shops and restaurants and an easy commute to Uptown Charlotte. SEARCH ALL the Charlotte MLS homes for sale in Barclay Downs right here with one click.