We are ready

We are ready for you.

It hit me this morning just how powerful those five words are.

We’re in the process of doing some major renovations to our Lansdowne mid-century ranch. We have spentthe last few months searching for some design inspiration; someone we think can take our vision, enhance it and come up with a plan that will work and stay within the of course tight budget. More on all that in a later post.

Today I want to focus on expectations and customer service. After much due diligence and talking with referenceswe decided on a design company Dialect Design. As we all know (been there) even when we do our best to find the right / best dry cleaner, plumber or yes real estate agent too oftenthe hyped marketing doesn’t match the service.

Movingforward in our process…today is the first design meeting with Toby and Jahan at Dialect Design. As you might imagine there is some angst: What did they come up? Is it really wow? Did we spend too much (not the cheapest guys) on design? Are they ready for us or throwing something together last minute?

When I emailed to confirm out meeting “We are ready for you.” was the reply. Powerful indeed!